
Dad sent me to collge

In my memory, it was mid-August 1979.
The central plains were in the grip of intense heat. The scorching sun blazed down like a fireball, radiating waves of heat. On windless, rainless nights, mosquitoes buzzed all around, and the sound of frogs echoed from the rice fields, as if they were clamoring in the heat. That evening, my father sat on a small stool by the door, tilting his head, taking a nap amid the smoke of burning mugwort. His deep, steady snoring had become his signature. The ability to fall asleep sitting upright would accompany me into the years ahead.

That night was a restless one for both my father and me. I was about to embark on a new journey, filled with both anticipation and anxiety, like a young bird about to fly solo. My father, who had no formal education and could only write his own name, had a thin frame and a quiet demeanor. Years of poverty and humiliation had further deepened his timid and fearful nature.

At dawn, with the first crow of the rooster, my father rose quickly, like a soldier responding to a trumpet call. My grandmother, wobbling on her three-inch bound feet, brought over a few freshly boiled eggs, still warm. They were her most precious possession, from the two hens that provided all her pocket money. “Take these for the road, and take care of yourself. If your grandfather were still alive, how happy he would be!” Grandmother’s joy was always quickly overshadowed by a sigh, as she thought of the grandfather I never met—a man who had spent his life saving and sacrificing for his family. To support the household and buy some land for his sons, he made strict rules: the family was allowed only two meals a day, and those not doing physical labor could only eat porridge and pickled vegetables. Despite years of hard work and self-denial, the land he bought made him a target, labeled as a "rich peasant" during the political movements of the time. Eventually, this label led to his death from starvation when I was just over two years old, even though it was a time of favorable weather and good harvests.

Years of class struggle made everyone in the family speak with a nervous caution. Because of my grandfather’s former "wealth," my grandmother had been publicly humiliated numerous times. In her eyes, my generation finally had a chance to succeed: I was the scholar, a blessing on the family.

The morning air was filled with the scent of ripening rice, mingling with the coolness of dawn. I took deep, greedy breaths, savoring the brief moment of coolness. A sense of joy and relief covered the worries and despair that had weighed on me for over a decade. The mist that lingered like a thin veil brought the earthy scent, as if time itself had stopped in the quiet countryside. My father accompanied me along the winding path, heading toward the town of Mulan Lake, twelve miles away—now a suburb and retreat of Wuhan—to catch the first bus that would take me to my new life at university.

The village lay quietly on the hilltop, like a ripple unfolding. Last year, Song Ge, who left this village, became its first university student. Fourteen years my senior, he had been my middle school teacher. His journey should have started a decade earlier, but history delayed it, leaving a mark of sorrow unique to his generation. The villagers said that the hilltop’s spirit and openness brought us good fortune. We walked softly, and grandmother’s dog, Han Han, trailed quietly behind—it had always been one of my best companions. The other village dogs were still asleep. The muddy dirt path beneath our feet remained still, and the old adobe houses stood silently, witnessing the changes of the times. On a nearby hillside, the cotton field where I had picked cotton yesterday still showed a few white tufts swaying gently, as if bidding me farewell, or expressing their longing and reluctance. “I’m sorry I can’t stay with you, and I can’t waste my youth in a place where it’s so hard to create value. I have to go, I must go.” These were words I had whispered countless times to the cotton fields.

As the sky brightened, my father’s thin figure appeared especially fragile in the dawn light. His dark, tired face was etched with lines, and wrinkles crept onto his not-yet-forty-year-old forehead. He balanced a shoulder pole with luggage—one end held daily necessities, and the other, a wooden box from my uncle, containing clothes, bedding, and books. The box was heavy, handcrafted from freshly cut pine when my uncle learned I had been accepted to university a few weeks ago. On that day, I was picking cotton by the village, when the postman shouted from a distance: “Your university admission letter is here!” I dropped the cotton and ran home as fast as I could, the fastest I’d ever run in my life. I took the letter from the postman’s hand, turning to see my father standing in the empty house, looking both joyful and worried. “We have nothing. What will we do?” my mother muttered. My quiet, thoughtful uncle understood the worries that I couldn’t see in my parents.

My uncle said, “With a wooden box, there’s a place to keep anything valuable.” My mother replied, “We’re so poor; what valuable things do we have?” And as she spoke, she would often shed tears, sighing. It seems I inherited her tendency to cry easily—a habit I’ve never managed to change. She often spoke to herself like this.

I was just sixteen at the time. To my teachers and the villagers, I was first and foremost a mischievous child, and only then a smart one. As a mischievous, naive child, I looked forward to the future with curiosity and excitement, never realizing the burden of the hundred pounds of luggage my father carried. My father, weak in strength, had to stop frequently to rest, yet it never crossed my mind to offer to help carry some of the load. My father walked along the narrow path through the rice fields with steady steps, a smile on his face—a smile born of pride and a sense of achievement. The rice fields, turning golden in the breeze, swayed like tiny spirits. As my father gazed at the fields, his eyes were filled with affection and hope. He murmured to himself, “I need to work harder, get more clothes for the kids, and make sure the family has enough to eat.” Goals that once seemed within reach had become distant dreams over the years.

I wore the new Dacron shirt my father made for me, skipping happily ahead, my eyes fixed on the little fish and tadpoles in the rice paddies, oblivious to my father’s worries and hardships. My stonecutter uncle couldn’t accompany me; he had to work day and night building houses, carving stones to earn a meager income, and repay the debt for the wooden box he had made. His blessings could only be placed inside that heavy box. My mother had to care for three young children, and grandmother’s bound feet couldn’t possibly take her far. My father walked in silence, moving steadily forward. Whatever anxieties filled his mind, he didn’t know how to express them. Having grown used to all of this, I followed quietly behind, watching his determined figure disappear and reappear through the morning mist, a strange unease stirring within me.

We descended the hill, crossed the edge of the pond, waded through the riverbed, and walked through endless fields. As the sun slowly burned away the fog, the heat waves began to rise. “The sun’s catching up quickly,” my father said. Sitting by the river, he removed his straw sandals and washed them in the clear water: “You shouldn’t need these anymore, right?” he mused aloud. I had long since learned how to make straw sandals, and if I ever needed them, I knew I could make my own. The thought filled me with pride. I walked barefoot on the pebbles of the riverbed, relishing the cool touch of the water.

My father was a skilled tailor, sent to learn the trade by my grandfather when he was just a boy, becoming well-known in the area. No matter how complex a garment, it was a simple task in his hands. Thanks to his craftsmanship, our family once lived in relative comfort, almost feeling like the wealthiest in the village. But during the campaign to "cut off the capitalist tail," he had to return to the village and take up farming, a skill he was not adept at, to feed the family. Thus began the days of tattered clothes and constant hunger. From my father's demeanor, I learned so much—dedication, responsibility, a thoughtful nature, and a willingness to endure hardship and be kind. He was my first teacher, my most important role model.

The old, cluttered bus station in the little town held only a single, worn-out bus. People leaning through the windows passed items inside, shouting loudly. Here, shouting was the norm—there was no habit of speaking softly. After much effort, I managed to squeeze into the bus, while my father struggled to secure the wooden box on the roof. Then, he stood quietly to the side, waiting for the bus to depart. His gaze said everything he wanted to say, and all that he could say.

As the bus slowly began to move, I watched my father recede into the distance, my mind a blank. The dust stirred up by the wheels, like the morning mist, slowly obscured his figure, blending into the swirling clouds of dust. The bus’s stifling smell of sweat and the thick dust in the air quickly overwhelmed the scent of earth and rice. The hometown that had nurtured me for sixteen years was now slipping into the archives of my life’s history. I glanced at the man next to me wearing straw sandals, and instinctively touched the cloth shoes in my handmade cloth pouch, wondering when I’d start wearing them. The pouch was my own creation, made by stitching together small fabric scraps—both beautiful and durable. The cloth shoes were crafted by my mother. Grandmother had wanted to make a pair for me, too, but my mother stopped her: “Her eyesight isn’t good, threading needles is too hard for her, and making the soles is no easy task.”

More than forty years have passed since then, and my father left us many years ago. Esophageal cancer—the lingering consequence of a life of hardship. At some point, my mother also stopped crying so easily. The years I’ve lived in America are approaching my father’s age back then. And yet, the memory of walking behind him on that country path, him leading me toward my future, remains vivid.

Many times, I see my father's figure fade away in my dreams. But I know that the morning sun, those narrow paths, and his silent yet loving back have always stayed in my heart. They have become my strength and my anchor. His frail shoulders, like a mountain, allowed me to stand taller, to travel farther, to leave the village, pass through Wuhan, and cross the ocean.
Father, I haven’t let you down! The oppression and poverty that you endured will not be repeated in my children’s lives!

















Dad sent me to collge

In my memory, it was mid-August 1979. The central plains were in the grip of intense heat. The scorching sun blazed down like a fireball, ra...